Wednesday 1 April 2009

Fool's Gold

Gorgeous day today. Pottered into Crouch End, got a takeaway coffee and a Guardian and sat on the usual bench, soaking up a bit of springtime sunshine, having a nice read and listening to Howlin' Rain. Got to page 5. Read the following:

I got to "Twitter-only publication", when I started laughing and saying out loud (to no-one in particular) "this has to be a spoof! Surely?" And then it clicked. April Fool's Day. What a knob I am. I think most people think the announcement of Alan Shearer as manager of Newcastle has to be the most long-winded and elaborate April Fool's gag ever. But let's face it - no-one will ever top that spaghetti tree...

(Also, received my new Bose SoundDock today - payment-in-kind from a pal for services rendered of the non-sexual variety. Just plugged it in, tested it with Zep and a bit of 'Back In Black'. Joy of joys, LOUD is back, with a Heavy chaser and a nice folky acoustic parasol with a cherry. My fave cocktail.)