Sunday 10 June 2012

EuroBlog #1

"We're going to Europe to do the Europeans, that plain enough for you?"

Actually, that's not strictly true, but it's an excuse to use a line I love from Alan Clarke's The Firm, a superb piece of 1980s British television drama. It centres around the exploits of Bexy, played by lovely Mr Gary Oldman. Bexy isn't lovely at all - he's a football psycho mentalist-cum-estate agent with a dream of making a national football thug 'firm', and ultimately, he reaps what he sows. I first watched this late 80s, under the influence of something otherworldly, which helped it stick in my psyche. The final scene is hilarious, still slightly menacing, mildly embarrassing (are organised hooligans really this thick?), and would be more believable if it didn't contain a host of British soap stars (admittedly before they were famous). Am not sure if I'd shit myself on the terraces when faced with the malevolent evil of Jim off Coronation Street or Benny from Grange Hill.

In truth, I'm going to Europe, not to do the Europeans, but to do some general slothing around on the Costa Del Crime with a group of some of the finest and funniest people I know. The football isn't exactly incidental (McG is often a man with a plan), so there will be sun, sea, booze, books,  good food, good company, and with any luck, some good footy to boot (no more boot puns, promise).

Returning to London after a week by Little Mum's side, I nipped off the North Circular into Brent Cross shopping centre to gather some last minute holiday essentials. A lot on my mind, I'd forgotten what time it was. As I headed down the main walkway to the shops, it tickled me to discover about a hundred men, standing heads tilted upwards, all watching the first Euro 2012 game on an absolutely enormous screen. Their womenfolk were nowhere to be seen. Men + football = happy. Women + shops = happy. Everyone's happy. Stroke of genius, Brent Cross.

They've put a big flatscreen in the corner of the bar of my local, which, and only under these football circumstances, I approve of. I'm not saying where this is, as I've managed to get a bar stool and an unencumbered view two evenings in a row and I don't want you plebs spoiling it for me. Spain v Italy was a thoroughly enjoyable game. (I have a soft spot for the Italians - they make great footwear, and bestowed the gift of Toto Schillaci upon me in 1990. Grazie mille.)


(Postscript: a very sincere thank you to all who've asked after Little Mum, particularly those pals who've never actually met the woman. She's definitely on the mend, but I think it'll be a slow process. Rest assured - she's absolutely thrilled to know her fan club are rooting for a return to 'rude' good health. Rude being the operative word for the woman who coined the excellent phrase 'cock-happy', with reference to philandering politicians who couldn't keep it in their trousers.)

Tuesday 5 June 2012

The Bad, The Worse and The Queen

Seems like Her Madge and I have more in common than I could have ever imagined this Jubilee. We both managed to spend our Royal Bank Holiday Monday visiting our very nearest and dearest in hospital. Liz: visiting Phil the Greek and his dodgy bladder. Me: visiting Little Mum and her increasingly dodgy hips and knees. But every cloud does indeed have a silver lining. It also gave both me and Queenie the chance to avoid an enormous musical travesty, otherwise known as The Diamond Jubilee Concert.

"I told Gary Barlow I wanted Devo or Shellac. Or The Smiths reforming."

And we almost got away with it. Her Top Royalness was forced to show her mug at the dying embers and probably endure more pain than her hubby trying to pass The Royal Wee. Me? I was just helping settle Little Mum down for the evening, when I heard some dreadful wailing coming from the corner of the Ward 5. "Listen to that poor soul", I commiserated, thinking one of the old dears was in a frightful amount of pain.

Until I realised that what I could hear was some twat murdering an awful pop tune on a telly round the corner of the bed curtain. I'm told The Black Eyed Pea person is in the UK to judge our musical hopefuls as they belt out tunes on some TV singing competition. Now, that's actually funny, because Will.I.Am. can obviously not sing for fucking toffee. Further investigation revealed that he was duetting with some bird who insisted on shrieking painfully flat. I am reliably informed by a nice staff nurse that this is a creature called Jessie J, also a judge on aforementioned sing-for-your-15-mins-of-fame-fest. Quite honestly, I'd rather listen to hospital radio. Dreadful.

Two for the Tower, ma'am.

After leaving Little Mum to get some shuteye after her tiring day, I came back to my Sis's house to enjoy the rest of the concert. On telly? Watching it? Don't be ridiculous. You know I don't watch The Television. No, that nice Tim Jonze at The Guardian live-blogged the event, revealing each astonishing happening in minute-by-minute detail. Between him (and the superlatively funny comments of some of The Great British Public) I learned that neither Cliff Richard nor Elton John were in possession of their own teeth or hair, both old musical Queens wearing pink and hamming it up. Grace Jones (Gaga-With-Balls) sang Slave To The Rhythm whilst hula-hooping (I thought I might have accidentally swallowed a load of Little Mum's morphine when I read this, but it is TRUE). But my favourite insta-post was this, which I screengrabbed:

8.13pm Was Her Most Regal Rock 'n' Rollness watching Savages at The Old Blue Last??

(Postscript: this was the only Jubilee similarity between Liz II and me. Day One of Diamondfest had revealed no parallels. Not having to give a stuff about the constitution or any of that silliness meant I could spend my Sunday curled up, with an enormous bar of Cadburys, drinking tea and watching lovely old B&W films.  Queenie, the poor 86 year old love, was forced to spend her Sunday floating about on the Thames on one of the wettest, shittiest days of the year. Gawd bless 'er.)

Sunday 3 June 2012

Field Day 2012: The horror, the horror...

Note to self: Your Field Day days are over, baby. Do not be drawn in by a decent musical line-up, or buy tickets to this event ever, ever again. It might have been fine in yesteryear, but you have to leave it alone now. It can never turn out how you imagined it in your naive, optimistic head. It will likely, however,  destroy any last vestiges of faith you had in the youth of today, leaving you shaking your head, knuckles white, as you clench your ageing fists in dismay and rage, potentially culminating with a spell in chokey for Grievous Bodily. In fact, stop writing this right now, missy. Calm, calm. Breathe...

My sentiments exactly.

(Postscript: Leaving Victoria Park whilst still bathed in late afternoon sunshine, following just a few hours perseverance amongst vast swathes of the rudest, ill-mannered, loud, arrogant, look-at-me pricks, we pulled it all back by finding a decent pizza restaurant, later followed by several high-quality gin and tonics. All very grown-up. So, all's well etc,... and a valuable lesson has been finally learned.)

Saturday 2 June 2012

Love Savages (not freeloaders)

The It Girls of the mo were flying high again at The Shacklewell Arms this week. Savages are going from strength to strength, and a sold-out show arranged by those chaps of 5000, The Quietus and The Stool Pigeon (dream team) saw them on top form. I say 'saw' - couldn't see a bloody thing. That stage is too low, and most men are too tall. Fact.

They did sound amazing, though, no small thanks to them being brilliant, with a helping hand from their clever sound man, Matt (who has very big hands - good for twiddling knobs, suggested one ladyfriend). They have a new single out too - écoutez-vous!:

I was alerted to a piece written by Mr 5000 himself, Andy Inglis, about the problems involved in keeping the small, grassroots venues of this music-loving country alive and kicking. Prompted by an article he'd read in The Guardian, you can get yourself into a furious frenzy about it all by reading his thoughts here:

I'm good friends with Savages. Yet I'm proud to say that I bought my ticket for Tuesday's gig. How will bands / low capacity venues / small promoters ever make any money if we all end up sponging? I've accepted guest list places in the past - but as suggested in the article, it's generally been to repay some kindness or favour I've previously offered a musician / band / promoter. My good friend Mr Monk of The Local told me only recently that I'm his most-tickets-paid-for customer of all-time. My bosom swelled with pride. And the last time I accepted a guest list place off Mr Inglis, I repaid him with my homemade banana bread. And that's cake gold-dust, my friend.

Friday 1 June 2012

London Festival Of Photography 2012

Like a gang of three proud Mums, we Blunt ladies set off on Thursday evening for the private view of the London Festival Of Photography "The Great British Public". Our photographer Arnhel has a series of his wonderful work in the exhibit, so we went along to represent our boy, who's currently busy snapping away in China.

It's a lovely exhibition, and apart from Arnhel's beautifully observed work, chronicling the events taking place at Britain's summer country fairs and fetes over the last few years, I was particularly taken with a series of work entitled "Centenarians" by Chris Steele-Perkins. Simple portraits of his elderly subjects were offset by a written piece accompanying each image. The spriteliness and humour in the mindset of each captured in prose belied the age they had actually attained. A couple of these lovely characters didn't look much over 70 either. Gives you hope for the future, and I found my spirits lifted by it.

There are various exhibitions dotted all over the King's Cross area - an exhibition in both King's Cross and St Pancras stations too. Have a look here - it's definitely worth a nosy: