Saturday 27 March 2010

A Bunny's For Life, Not Just For Easter

During my recent couchsurfing stint, I had a couple of weeks in E17 with Smiff and Marc. Very kind they were too, putting me up in their lovely spare room, letting me cook big pans of brown in their kitchen, warm my cold tootsies in front of their new fire, and generally make myself at home.

Smiff has a good sense of humour. Good = sense of the silly and ridiculous to match my own. Daft. On one of her foraging-for-Ebay-fodder missions, she discovered Bunny. Bunny is a small knitted rabbit, very sweet, pink and blue with button eyes. Smiff thought it would be a laugh to leave Bunny hanging out of a shopping bag for Marc to find. He never did, but I saw her handywork and we both laughed our little Northern heads off. Next day, when I got in from work, Bunny had a starring role amongst the tins in my food cupboard, which made me laugh even more:

The following morning, Smiff found Bunny having a little rest with her eggy mates:

And following a short trip up North, Smiff discovered Bunny getting a bit more adventurous tripping the chandelier-light fantastic:

Today was Easter Sunday. Perfect day for bunnies to be out and about. And I wasn't disappointed. Whilst sitting in the Ace Café having my veggie fry-up...:

...I got a message from Bunny, with a little help from Smiff. The perfect Easter picture...Bunny straddling a vase of golden daffodils.