Saturday 12 February 2011


I don't think I'm a particularly girly girl. In fact, I don't think you can use the term 'girl' to describe me at all any more (although, a few weeks ago, Miss P and I went to the cinema and the nice young man who collected the tickets said 'enjoy the film, girls'. He'd better not have been taking the piss, or he's dead). Being un-girly doesn't have to mean unfeminine, mind. All woman, me.

The particularly girly girl thing of fainting isn't something I've ever suffered from. Girls at school used to faint, and I can remember thinking 'what on earth's the matter with her, the idiot?'. This week, for the very first time in my life, I joined that merry band of idiots.

The lovely Dennis, who works at Universal, told me about an instore performance by James Blake at Rough Trade East. I often think I need to expand my musical taste, so I asked the Scot to join me and we went along. James Blake is the Next Big Thing. I know this because HMV have decreed it so and therefore it's true, surely? Place was packed, queue snaked right round the corner for the precious wristbands (very lucky that Dennis collected us - we'd never have got in). Introductions over, bit of chat and then the lights dim and James is on.

He was good. Beautiful voice, hits the high notes, clear as a bell, good sound, deeeep bass, and completely self-deprecating and charming between numbers. I closed my eyes a lot during his set, stood very still and let the music wash over me.

This may have been my mistake. Because as he played the last song, I almost fainted. A full-on Jane Austen-esque, corset-too-tight-can't-breathe swooning fit. Thank fuck Dennis and The Scot were right behind to catch me and take me to the safety of a seat nearby. Mortifying. And I was pouring with sweat - like a massive whitey but with added embarrassment. Minutes later, it was like it never happened. I felt fine. Very odd.

Met up with friends last night. Told The Ex about the incident. He said that standing still, coupled with heat, and perhaps being at the optimum point for sound/bass caused this. He knows this shit. He's clever and works on science programmes at The BBC. He also suggested I look up 'brown noise', which I just did. Luckily, James Blake didn't hit a brown note. If he had, I'd have been not only fainting, but also shitting myself in front of Dennis and The Scot, which isn't a good look on a girl/woman. Find out all about it here:

Or watch this:

Nads also tells me she fainted at one of her first gigs. It was hot, packed and the bass was oh-so heavy. I asked her who these bass demons were. It was All About Eve. I laughed my tits off. Prime movers of heavyosity - All About Eve. I can't wait to see Tim Bricheno and tell him he made her faint. What's even better is, she thinks she was wearing an arran jumper at the time. Comedy gold:

Health warning: Can cause swooning or loose stools

(Postscript: the reason for meeting up with old friends at The Enterprise last night was for Tabby. Sorely missed. RIP, my dear old friend.)