Sunday 16 October 2011

My F*cking Blog by Miss Tourette

A very nice man I know (I admire him, and also his work) tells me he enjoys reading my blog. He likes how I write. I'm very flattered, because he's rather a clever chap and busy, busy, making it all the more rewarding that he finds the time to take a look. He did, however, mention the amount of swearing. Not in an admonishing way. No, he merely commented.

And so, I think I'm going to try to give up the swearing. I mean, it's not like I'm ever stuck for words, and I seem to manage without resorting to profanity when speaking to parents/policemen/the vicar. Seriously, I think I can do this thing. Provided I don't have to travel by tube, be near any screaming kids or babies, and hopefully none of you lot piss me off.

Oh, bollocks.



Seems it's not going to be so easy after all. Perhaps he'll have to admire me for my other written skills, such as spelling proficiency, excellent punctuation and correct use of the word myriad.

"She had myriad swearwords in her huge verbal arsenal, and used them all with verve and fucking panache."'s_Profanisaurus

(Postscript: Roger's Profanisaurus / Modern Toss - swearing and profanity taken to another level. Check them out and be prepared to laugh like a drain - unless you're not amused by puerile, childish potty humour. If that's the case, you're reading the wrong blog, love.)