Wednesday 13 July 2011

LEJOG: Just Giving A Few Bob, Please

I started writing a blog for fun. And, in years to come, as an aid to my terrible memory, so I'd know I'd not spent all my time fannying about, and if I had, I'd had a jolly good time doing just that. I wanted to write mainly about gigs I'd been to, films I'd seen, places I'd been. Not really about me, per se. Definitely not serious stuff. Things I'd enjoyed. The usual blog bollocks.

I had a good blog entry prepared on Sunday. It was all about transport. It consisted of various stories about getting from A to B, and would have had pictures too, if I'd got round to uploading the pictures. It would have revealed the reason for writing a blog about transport - the piece was to culminate with a picture of me behind the wheel of the Boss's Landrover Defender, taken by Barry in the Leonard Street car park, as I practiced driving "The Tank" round and round, watched with amusement by The Boss. Practice needed to make perfect in prep for my role as 'broom wagon' driver on the Bobby Dazzlers charity cycle ride from Land's End to John O'Groats. There would have been more tales to come on my forthcoming LEJOGblog, as I chronicled the ups and downs, highs and lows, laughter and tears during a feat of endurance by a gang of people I know, respect and (particularly where three of them are concerned) love. But you won't be reading any of this. That transport blog entry - I wiped it out.

A bit like the mindless little bastard boyracer who, whilst racing his car against his little shithead mates at 80mph, lost control and nearly wiped out my dear friends in a layby near Abergavenny, as they took a well-deserved rest on their bikes. Two of them are lucky to be alive.

If you're reading this and you know me (or, even if you read this and don't know me), and even if you haven't met them but know how often I talk about The Boss, what an amazing top woman she is, and about Dean, and what a brilliant photographer and bloody great bloke he is, then do me a favour. Take a second to go the link below, click "INFO", read what they were about, then click "DONATE" and help them raise the £10,000 goal they had set themselves. They'd have smashed that total if only some thoughtless fucking idiot hadn't taken away their opportunity.