Saturday 30 July 2011

Happy As Larry (David) In Just My Knickers

Back to living at Disgracelands alone, I'm spending more time than is natural or healthy just sitting round in my knickers watching a lot of Larry David. This was prompted by an incident during a catch-up with my manfriends. When asked what I'd been up to by said manfriends, I replied "oh, this and that, making bunting". "Bunting?" they queried. "Yes, bunting, you know that triangle shaped stuff they hang up at village fetes", which I followed with a bit of visual description, by holding both hands up to make a V shape.

They absolutely pissed themselves. I looked in astonishment as Steve and Dave completely cracked up and didn't stop. Both huge Curb fans, it turns out there's an episode where Larry and Jeff make the same hand symbol to depict a 'huge vagina'. Discussing this with Les French (big Larry fans), I learned that the French word for bunting is fanion, pronounced 'fanny-on' which tickled me hugely. Never having got past series 4 before, I saw the episode this week. I almost cried laughing myself. Watch it and weep, readers:

Larry seems to be having an awful lot of problems in his dry cleaners too. I've had my very own Larry moment round the launderette. Normally, I'm in there every Saturday to dry bedding and towels (can't have the place looking like a laundry, potential buyers don't want to see my frillies all over the radiators...or do they?) Anyways, I hadn't been in there for a couple of weeks. Überfriendly Turkish guy who runs the place (not much English but very sweet, helps me fold my sheets) calls out "Hello there!" from the counter as I enter. I throw my bedding into the dryer and then he's calling out "I have thing for you!" and I look round thinking, "he can't mean me" and seeing if he's looking at any of the other people in there. And it's busy. But no, he definitely means me. And then he goes under the counter and brings something out.

And it's a pair of my knickers. And he holds them up. And everybody looks. And my eyes almost pop out of my head. And then, I have to laugh. "I have them from last time" he says. More laughing from me. "Thanks for keeping them safe" I replied and the whole place is smiling. Turkish guy looks very pleased with himself, having reunited knickers with their rightful arse. I leave, still laughing and congratulating myself on the fact that I'd managed to leave an immaculate pair of pretty white underfrippery, and not some hideous, massive dog-eared Mum pants (which I would never actually own, I hasten to add, in case gentlemen friends are reading).

I bet he's had them on.