Thursday 27 January 2011

Black Swan: Freaky Lezzer Pas de Deux Shit

The Boss has started up Cinema Club. The basic premise is that a load of workmates go to the flicks together each Thursday evening. I'm never really sure about doing stuff like this en masse. I love watching film and going to the cinema is a very special and magical thing for me, but often fraught with a bit of angst. My angst comes from there being OTHER PEOPLE IN THE CINEMA. You know, the general public (who I'm not that arsed for) - sitting there with their oversized heads in the way of the screen, stuffing their fat faces with popcorn (you greedy gets - can you not possibly live two hours without sustenance?), slurping on mammoth fizzy drinks (next you'll be wanting to get up for a piss at the most important scene, fuckwit), and generally breathing anywhere near me. Yeah, love the cinema, if only I had the place to myself.

My first outing (not from the closet - they don't get to turn me that easy), I went along with The Boss and Tracy to meet up with a load of The Boss's lesbian pals for a viewing of Black Swan at Curzon Soho. Word on the street is there's a lesbian scene involving Natalie Portman in the film. You've never seen a cinema filled with as many tennis fans, comfortable shoe wearers and 'special friends' of Madonna in all your life (all hoping for a glimpse of our young ballerina getting munched, no doubt). I warned my assembled crew not to eat, speak or have any contact with me whatsoever whilst the film was on. So, they threw popcorn in my hair and threatened to feel me up when the lesbian scene came on.

Black Swan is a film about ballet, directed by Darren Aronofsky (Requiem For A Dream and The Wrestler). Natalie Portman (if I wasn't so enamoured of all things gentleman, maybe I would have a go given the option - she's stunning) plays Nina, a talented young ballerina who wants to be the perfect dancer, to dance the Swan Queen in Swan Lake. Vincent Cassel (broody French dude - top in Eastern Promises) is the director of the ballet, and after some deliberation, he gives her the role. Then he suggests that in order to be able to dance this role, she ought to loosen up a bit, have a wank and let her hair down. And then it all got a bit weird.

I'm not doing the spoiler thing, so no need to look away now, Film Fans. But I have to say, it kept me pretty gripped, and the tension in the audience was palpable (particularly during aforementioned ladylover scene - not a dry seat in the house). Very enjoyable evening - Cinema Club might become a regular Thursday jaunt for me (but only if The Ladies agree to watch films involving cock too).