Tuesday 12 April 2011

But Is It Art?

Spring has brought some superb weather. I spent a lovely Sunday afternoon in the park - sunshine, blossom trees, tweety birds...dogshit, screaming kids, middle-class pricks - on average, good outweighing bad. Miss Brightside, me.

Nicer than a pic of dogshit

The Scot came to meet me. After a little lolling around, we popped back to Disgracelands to drop off my things before heading out for an evening of merrymaking. The Scot often has his camera to hand, keen to chronicle the varied and fascinating sights he encounters on his travels. Words can't begin to describe his delight when he came across this:

Once seen, burnt into your psyche forever. Trust me.

I've lived near this mural on Weston Park for the best part of 5 years. I've never really noticed it. I've certainly never noticed the fact that the blonde white baby appears to be carrying out an anal invasion on the black baby, while the ginger baby on the left points and looks on aghast. Minor Buggery. Right on my doorstep.

Here are the facts:

a) I am a total innocent, oblivious to filth and depravity, particularly when it comes cleverly disguised as art on a community centre wall.

b) The Scot is a sick and disturbed individual, intent on seeking out filth and depravity through his camera lens wherever he can find it.

c) This mural is comedy gold.

(Postscript: I pointed out the mural to the Brummie after our daily walk with Ralph the dog. She completely laughed her tits off. She's lived near the mural for longer than me and never noticed it either. She thinks The Scot is sick too. But in a good way.)