Tuesday 21 September 2010

This Is England 86

I've been working as a photographer's agent a couple of days a week this year. Old habits die hard, and if it's ever a bit quiet on the styling front, it's always good to know that there's a bit of spends coming in. I was lucky enough to be approached by the sharp wit and all-round good woman Tanya of Blunt London to lend a hand when the lovely Ailsa left to have her sprog. Maternity leave has turned into something a bit more permanent and I'm pretty thrilled. Having said I never really wanted to go back to agenting, it's a joy to work with this lot and I actually look forward to going to work at a desk in an office (it's a very nice office, the teamaking skills are exemplary, and there's quality swearing which suits me rather well).

Tanya represents Dean Rogers, a rather brilliant photographer, who is the chronicler in stills of all Shane Meadows' film work. I bloody love Shane Meadows' work. Shane and Dean are old friends and Dean has recently shot the promotional posters for the Channel 4 serial, "This Is England '86":

Watched the 3rd episode of TIE 86. Dean had told me that Shane hadn't directed the first two, which seemed to be played a bit more for laughs. Episode 3 started off like a barrel of laughs too (Gadgy as Clark Gable in THAT arran jumper and pencil moustache), but ended up like a barrel of misery (a truly horrific rape scene), only completed by the reappearance of Combo. Now, why do I think that Lol's daddy-o will be getting his comeuppance in next week's final part? Superb acting, funny, dark, excellent soundtrack. Unmissable.